Carolyn Explains

You have seven energy centers in your body known as chakras. Your chakras are wheel-like energetic centers. They run along the trunk of your body from the base of your spine to the top of your head and transmit light energy in a vortex-like spinning motion. (Sounds a little out there, I know, but it’s true!)

Your chakras influence and are inter-connected to EVERYTHING in your body. Each of your chakras have physical, emotional and spiritual aspect of your life that they govern. That is why it is such a great idea to get and keep your chakras balanced and functioning optimally.

Blocked chakra energy can lead to physical, emotional and mental issues.

In order for your body to function optimally, all 7 of your chakras must be balanced and allowing energy to flow smoothly through your body.

Happily, there are many ways to balance and clear up your chakras. I find that most of us need to do some “deep” cleaning in our chakras followed by a daily maintenance program to get and keep them functioning optimally.

Keeping your chakras balanced and your energy flowing smoothly does just that, it keeps you balanced, fluid, and happy.

Everyone Agrees…..

When there is a block in the road, it has to be cleared before cars can continue on their merry way. 

The same is true with your energy.  If there is a block in one or all of your chakras, the block(s) must be cleared before energy can flow through your body bringing  balance and wellness back into your life.    


The fastest, easiest, most efficient way to remove an energetic block is with energy clearing. 

It’s not your fault!

For no obvious reason you feel out of control, out of balance, not quite right. You may even feel depressed, stressed or anxious. Everyone tells you to just snap out of it, but you can’t. Nothing seems to work.

It’s not your fault!

They don’t teach you about these things in school.

Fear not! There is an easy and painless way out! A way to rise above all the depression & blah and find happiness and hope in every day!

Balance Your Chakras

When your Chakras are balanced, you just feel good! You feel balanced, relaxed, whole, complete, healthy and amazing. You feel everything in your life is going and flowing well for you.

Now that doesn’t mean everything is perfect, but that your life is flowing easily and happily and you are able to handle anything that comes your way with ease and grace.

Here is what you get when you have balanced Chakras:

  • Balanced: You feel in control, connected and calm
  • Whole: Fear, anxiety, and yearning for “something” disappear
  • Relaxed: Everything flows as it should, you no longer stress

The Carolyn Tyger
Balanced Chakra Program

In this program we strengthen and balance each chakra individually using the power and grace of the SimplyAlign Method of energy clearing.

With this program, you receive SEVEN 50-minute recorded energy clearing sessions – one for each of the 7 chakras.

Each session is tailored to the strengths and purpose of the chakra with a specific intention designed to get your chakra clear, balanced and functioning optimally for you.

Below is a little sneak peak into what you get with each of the chakras….

  • Root Chakra: Spoil yourself by clearing out energetic blocks in your most important relationship – the one with yourself!  
  • Sacral Chakra:  Open the door for fun, enriching & fulfilling living by Igniting Your Creativity!
  • Solar Plexus Chakra:  A satisfying life is a journey wherein you discover and live your purpose.  And that purpose is not defined by what you do, but by who you are.
  • Heart Chakra:  It’s time to embrace forgiveness and free your heart & soul 
  • Throat Chakra: Clear out that “lump in your throat” so you can express and communicate in loving, effective and fulfilling ways.
  • Third Eye Chakra: Become more connected to those hunches, those gut feelings, that inner voice that is there to guide you toward your highest potential.
  •  Crown Chakra:   Find your way back to a simpler existence; where you can more easily calm your mind and find yourself growing in the moment, rather than fretting over time gone by or yet to come, that  you cannot control.

These deep energy clearing recordings will do AMAZING things for you!!!

After listening to these recordings you will feel lighter, happier, freer,  clearer, more connected and confident.

Get the Program!

You want to feel good.

You want to have less stress.

You want life to flow easily and gracefully.

You want to be happy!

With the Carolyn Tyger
Balanced Chakra Program
You will not only balance your chakras now,
but with lifetime access
you will have the tools to continue to
keep your chakras balanced
and functioning optimally for you!!

It’s a win – win!!

With the Carolyn Tyger Balanced Chakra Program

You have lifetime access to all
Seven Chakra Energy Clearing Sessions!

That’s nearly 7 hours of stress releasing,
joy infusing goodness at your fingertips!

That alone will bring
into your life!

But I’ve got even more for you!


Deep Cleaning and Balancing your Chakras

But finding 7 hours on a regular basis
can be challenging…

So I have included a
Balanced Chakra Energy Clearing!!

With this recording
you will balance
all seven chakras
with the power of energy clearing
In just 40-minutes!

That’s right!

Just 40-minutes!


It gets even better…

Bonus # 2

Now, I’m all about keeping things
simple, quick & easy!

I am after all
your 5-Minute Fix gal!

For an amazing DAILY boost to your routine
I am including


7-Minute Daily Chakra Balancing Routine!

You can listen to this

As you make it a part of
your daily routine,


your chakras stay more BALANCED and OPTIMALLY WORKING for you.

you feel LESS STRESSED and more “IN THE FLOW”


I’m so thrilled to be offering
as a part of my

This Incredible Program
retails for the low price
of only $299

And that is a great deal
nearly 7 Hours
of energy clearing!

But for a limited time
you can get the
Carolyn Tyger
Balanced Chakra Program
for only

That is a savings of 80%!!!

That’s Right!!!

For a VERY limited time,
I am offering a savings of
OVER 80%

That means you can have the
with the
for only

But Hurry!
This Offer Won’t
Last Long!


To get access to your <b> Free Recorded Energy Alignment Session </b> enter your information below.

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